Supported Causes
Causes and development organizations that are important to me and have a meaningful impact on the world. After a thoughtful selection, I thought I'd share my rational and the top 3 chosen

Areas of Focus

Building Businesses and Fostering Entrepreneurship
International Development
Empowering Women
Healthcare Research, Health Policy, and Mental Illness
Activist Change and Civil Liberties Protection
Accountability and Anti-corruption

Selection Criteria

  • Focused on long-term, lasting impact
  • Low income to impact score (the more underfunded compared to their impact, the better)
  • Not holding excessive assets in reserve
  • Low administration costs (the less bloat the better)
  • Metrics-driven, focus on continuous improvement
  • Transparency of funding recipients and spending on programs
  • Low spend on fundraising
  • Publicly and openly learn and adapt (don't want organizations that claim they have it all figured it out)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
"To defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States". They protect individual rights and fighting for equality in a time and place that is pivotal not just for the US, but for the world. The ACLU is tackling problems through advocacy, and utilizing the legal system allows for sustained change. They are focused on long term success and carry a lot of weight “fighting the system”
Global Fund for Women
“Global Fund for Women offers flexible support to a diverse group of activist partners to create meaningful change that will last beyond our lifetimes”. Their focus is on women’s rights and international development, sustainable change, and supporting changemakers where help is needed most. The Global Fund for Women gives grants to many grassroots organizations around the world based on impact, and in response to crises as they occur. They've recently shifted to a movement-led approach to leverage momentum for change
Engineers Without Borders Canada
“At Engineers Without Borders Canada, we strive to unlock human potential”. They employ a unique, systemic approach to international development, pulling on engineering strengths & thinking to solve complex problems worldwide. EWB Canada is working on advocacy and education in Canada, and innovating, educating and funding social impact ventures with local entrepreneurs in developing nations through a feedback-driven approach. Their training programs for Systems Change Leaders is superb and very innovative.
Note: very different model than EWB USA
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